Today I posted a video of me covering Piece by Piece written by Kelly Clarkson. This song talks about how her father left her as a child and later in her life she met her husband who helped her believe that not all men are the same. Piece by Piece has a great meaning to my life especially as I am getting older and preparing to be more independent. I used to struggle with a lot of anxiety and still have moments where I start to have panic attacks about the simplest of things. I listen to this song when I become very stressed because it helped me remember that there are people in my life that help motivate me to keep striving towards my dreams and never losing sight of them.
As I am getting ready to really reach for my goals, I feel very discouraged at times because Theatre/Film is a hard career to enter into successfully. Kelly Clarkson especially has shown me that there is nothing that can hold you back from following through with things that you are passionate about.